1000 Social Bookmarking Sites List to Create Do-Follow Backlinks FREE

1000 social bookmarking sites list

1000 Social Bookmarking Sites List– To understand this first let’s go into something simple. When you go through a book and come across something interesting to which you want to come again, you use a bookmark. The next time when you open the book, the bookmark will help you to get that specific page easily. I am gonna share with you a free high pr social bookmarking sites list to create backlinks for your website.

What are free social bookmarking sites list?

Similar, as explained in the introductory paragraph, is the case with Social Bookmarking Sites. Wikipedia defines Social Bookmarking website as a centralized online service that allows users to store and share internet bookmarks. We can say that Social Bookmarking Sites are those websites where the users share their photos, videos, webpages, articles, blog posts, etc. These sites help the users in seeking the webpages of interest using a bookmark that is available in virtual form. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Dribble are some examples.

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What is social bookmarking?

Alike, in our previous blogs, where we have discussed SEO friendly blogger template and Instant approval blog commenting sites, social bookmarking is also an SEO tool. Social Bookmarking is basically the tagging of a website page with a browser-based tool so that you can revisit that page later without any problem.

You can easily use the different features of the platform to bookmark various posts instead of saving the posts of social media to the browser bookmarks.Social bookmarking sites began as the resources for the content marketers  and social media. There are dynamic and diverse online communities where the users can develop groups and also discuss the links which are based on the relevancy that is shared.

Another concept which needs to be clear here is social bookmark submission. This is an off-page optimization process that helps you to store your links on online bookmarking sites.  

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How do 1000 social bookmarking sites list help?

high pr social bookmarking sites list

Helps in creating quality backlinks

Well, we cannot underestimate the importance of backlinks. Social Bookmarking sites helps in creating backlinks to a great extent.  See how does this work,

  1. The bookmarks or the tagged pages on the web are accessible from any system through the internet. Thus, every bookmark acting as a backlink
  2. In most of the bookmarking sites, you can give a title to your URL in addition to description and keywords
  3. Here we get the anchor text for the backlink in the form of title stored along with the link.

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Increases the traffic to your website using Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking plays a significant role in making your content viral. This eventually will increase the traffic to your website. For posting your blogs or for that matter any content, you must not limit the use of social bookmarking to just one site. Rather you should try multiple sites to analyze which of the sites contributes more to engaging the traffic.

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Ensures the creation of Brand Value on Social Media

Social Bookmarking sites help immensely in creating the Brand Value. Users are permitted to review different other sites through social bookmarking sites. Once you start getting traffic that you targeted for your posts, the new users will also show interest in knowing more about your brand. Over time, the trust factor for a particular brand is built.

1000 Social Bookmarking Sites List

Here is a list of 1000 free social bookmarking sites list for you….

[sociallocker id=”950″]Download Social Bookmarking Sites List[/sociallocker]


To sum it up….

As a conclusion to this blog, it can be said that the social bookmarking sites list has many advantages. If we learn the art to use the free social bookmarking site list properly, this SEO tool can prove quite effective in serving our purpose. You can increase your authority by creating backlinks from these high pr 1000 social bookmarking sites list.

24 thoughts on “1000 Social Bookmarking Sites List to Create Do-Follow Backlinks FREE”

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