Using Instagram Hashtags: Growth Hacks You Must Try Now!

guide to using instagram hashtags

Instagram Hashtags: The best thing that I love about Instagram is the multiple ways it offers to increase the growth of our brands. In my other two blogs, I share with you all the Instagram growth hacks using Instagram stories and Instagram Reels, and today I will tell you the overall growth hacks of using hashtags for instagram. So, what are you waiting for?

Read ahead to get your hands on the best growth hacks for your brand!

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hashtags for instagram


Before you know about the use of hashtags, it’s better to understand what growth hacking means. So, growth hacking is the process of experimenting with anything and everything on Instagram to find out what works the best for getting more followers to your page. Instagram hashtags are a crucial part of starting growth hacking. So, here we go!


Now, many people don’t realize the real power of proper hashtags. Hashtags are significant in increasing the growth of your Instagram pages as they let your pages be seen by those who don’t follow you. Using famous, trending, and voluminous hashtags will not only help your posts to feature in the top feed posts but also create better reach among the targeted audience. If you are also confused about choosing and using hashtags, then read on!

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  • Test which hashtag works best for you. It will take time to know your brand’s reach with hashtags, but gradually you will get to know which hashtags work for you.
  • You can experiment hashtags by examining similar accounts, doing keyword research, and checking the volume of hashtags on Instagram.
  • When you are familiar with hashtags, then add line breaks before using hashtags.
  • Use hyper-relevant hashtags for more reach and engagement. Adding ultra-famous hashtags work well in getting some extra likes, but for a long term genuine engagement, I will suggest you use hashtags related to your business, target market, and your account.
  • Using niche-based hashtags improve the searchability and connect you to long run followers.
  • Posting hashtags in the first comment is a significant way to boost engagement. It also helps you to add more hashtags without any cluttering.
  • Many times, we ignore the hashtag suggestions, but let me tell you that these suggested hashtags help you to connect with more niche-specific pages and followers.
  • Using hashtags in the story also helps one to get featured on the Explore page and get the attention of those who don’t follow you.
  • Tracking the success of the Instagram hashtags one use. There are many analytics tools that you can use to know which hashtags are getting you traffic.
  • Use at least ten hashtags for better engagement. As per web reports, using 10+ hashtags get a lot more engagement, especially for the new accounts.
  • Follow your favorite hashtags as it will help you to connect with an expanded audience. Moreover, commenting and liking their posts builds a community on Instagram.

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*PRO TIP: The pro tip for using more hashtags is to hide the hashtags in your stories. As I told you that you should use hashtags in your Instagram story, so, if you want cleaner hashtag space on your posts and more hashtags simultaneously, then hide some of your hashtags by using them in the story section.

All I can say is that Instagram is a remarkable platform that helps people to establish a brand identity. Do share your experiences using these hacks. Thanks for reading:)

10 thoughts on “Using Instagram Hashtags: Growth Hacks You Must Try Now!”

  1. I knew the hashtags were the thing to help you blow up your stuff..but what i learned from this post that they are much more and if used rightly..can make a lot of difference..thanks for the info..keep us posted about more 🙂

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