6 Things you need to look and go through when you start with your side hustle.

6 Things you need to look and go through when you start with your side hustle.

1. You can’t and don’t need to multitask 

Multitask is not good
  • Outsourcing is a help, not a burden. Freelancers are fun to work with. 
  • You can not single-handedly do every work. May be in the start, but eventually, you should take advice. 
  • As it helps to let you focus on more important things that require your attention.
  • Do those things that you are passionate about or are good at. Also this will make your hustle interesting.
  • Building a team will surely help you in the long run. 
  • Refer to this article on how to build a team. Higgle

2. The learning curve will mount up rapidly 

The learning curve will mount up rapidly
  • You will be learning new things every day. 
  • Exploring new influencers and leaders whom you can follow.
  • It would help if you were more active towards your competitors.
  • Youtube videos/ tutorials work well as long as you apply them.
  • Nothing will teach you better than working and executing the learnings first hand.
  • Skillshare is one platform that has helped me to gain more knowledge, and you know it’s entirely free for the first two months.

3. Planning is crucial

Planning is crucial
"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!" ―     Benjamin Franklin
  • Plan every little thing you can imagine.
  • Be flexible with your plannings as per your speed of working. 
  • Take time to evaluate and analyse everything you’ve done.
  • I prefer physical journals as it gives me the feeling of accomplishment when I strike the task of the list. 
  • Planning is essential as it gives us what we need to be looking for. Also breaking the goals in small portions makes it look less stressful to achieve.

4. Your Plan A won’t necessarily be your road to success

Your Plan A won't necessarily be your road to success
  • Practice every day.  
  • One step at a time will be better. 
  • The idea will change or evolve with time.
  • Your perspective will change. 
  • With time You will have more skill and purpose to do better. 
  • Bear and focus on moving forward.

5. Incomes do not come right away when you post that first blog/ video

money will take time
  • You can’t have the fruit as soon as you sow the seeds. 
  • Working hard for a few months/ years is the need of the hustle you are doing. 
  • Don’t let that sparkle die of the hurdles you face along the way. 
  • People will question, won’t believe, even criticise. Family will complain for the lack of  time. You might miss the first day first shows, or even binge watching the latest trends. But believe me it’s all worth it so hold onto that coffee mug stronger and get going.

6. Patience is the key here

Patience is the key here
  • Remember why you started. 
  • That passive income is just around the corner. 
  • “Rome wasn't built in a day.” 
  • So hustle your way to the empire you’re about to be the ruler of.

Working at night time has its own ups and downs.

Here are my thoughts so far. The hustle here is real. 

At night:

  • creativity is at its best. 
  • the internet seems to work faster.
  • you are more focused. 
  • you don’t get interrupted every other 15 mins.
  • less activity on social media to check onto.
late night hustle

On the Funny side 

On the Funny side
  1. You and sleep don’t see each other eye to eye. 
  2. You start relating to the night owl stories.
  3. Coffee was so underrated before.
  4. You have something familiar with the panda now. (dark circles).
  5. You make peace with maggie and sandwiches. 
  6. Music is your only love.
  7. You watch Ted Talks a lot. 
  8. You start to enjoy your own company. 
  9. You have now tasted what its like to be attacked by ghosts 
  10. You see a little silhouette of a man everywhere. (my music pun) 

Share your journey with me.

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12 thoughts on “6 Things you need to look and go through when you start with your side hustle.”

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