Things every SEO freelancer faces around the world dealing with clients and vice versa​

Things every SEO freelancer faces around the world dealing with clients and vice versa
  • When will we rank on page 1 of google
  • I want to rank for a thousand most competitive Keywords.
  • I Pay you, so you have to either write/ arrange and content yourself.
  • Website, I Know you can design/ develop it too.
  • Just make something on canva, I don’t need to pay graphic designer (thanks to canva). 
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  • OH, so can you edit the video’s too.
  • I don’t know how to click or create pictures of my own products/ services can you help in that too, I m sure we don’t need to hire anyone. 
  • Why don’t we have to grow on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media?
  • I’m sorry I don’t know what to expect from SEO, but I would probably need sales daily and everything pointing up, also send a daily work report.
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  • I services in 5km around the local location but I need all the leads to be from the sates but won’t entertain call or mails on time. 
  • Do you Know How to Run ads, don’t you?
  • Isn’t digital marketing and SEO are same?
  • Why do we need quality Hosting?
  • Can we get SSL certification for free?
  • Why Do I need to share my Id’s and passwords with you?
  • 2 step verification on everything and won’t provide the OTP at least for an hour and let it expire at least twice.
  • Can we always have calls and meetings at odd hours and I’m sorry I don’t have a proper network whenever I call?
  • its been almost a month but I don’t see my keywords ranking and why I’m not getting a call for sales.
  • Reports you can send it on mail, WhatsApp, but still, you will need to call and explain and read out everything out for about five times. 
  • Payments will always be delayed due to some or other issue. 
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But we SEO’s are also not pure angle’s,  we too do things to clients 

Customers: How long will it take to rank?
SEO: just 45 days but to be safe I will ask for three months

Customer: What SEO strategy will you use?
SEO: I will do etc., etc., etc. for these many days and boom, you will rank.

Customer: anything else do I need to know?
SEO: No sir/ma’am.

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but won’t tell,


  • you will not rank for poor content; you will not rank for poor website design or development,
  • you will need to hire almost ten others along with me for a crazy result.
  • You need content writer, graphic designer, developer, video editor, a social media expert, and a great cameraman.
  • I would require all your passwords and ids if possible you credit card details too,
  • won’t tell you how much or when these technics got outdated, but since you want to report I will do it anyway. 
  • Digital marketing is a huge investment you will need hosting, content, sales, and other things too.
  • I don’t know whether these things will work in this ever-changing SEO world but will probably do experiments on your business.
  • With my little to no experience but I still guaranteed to rank your website on top. 
  • Google is the only one that atually matters.



Thank you for listening to my rant. if you liked it do share it 😉

26 thoughts on “Things every SEO freelancer faces around the world dealing with clients and vice versa​”

  1. Shalini Ghoshal

    Hahahaha 😂 you should write like this more often ya… amazing keep the good work up ❤ lots of love

  2. ok… very relatable content and with little to less knowledge of SEO I was able to get most of them. Many of them can be incorporated with my profession too. kudos

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